Set the keyboard layout language for your devices
The following command allows to set the keyboard configuration for your devices (from a list of language) :
Set regional and culture settings to match the current operating system language
The following command will set the regional and cultural (Money,date..) settings according to the current operating language for the current user : powershell Set-WinCultureFromLanguageListOptOut 0 Note : powershell Set-WinCultureFromLanguageListOptOut 1 will allow the user to chose these settings from a list of languages
Set the operating system language on your devices
The following commands will set the language as en-US (409) on your devices : Note : The differents language code number are easily found on intternet A ) Installed language : reg add “HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlNlsLanguage” /v InstallLanguage /t REG_SZ /d 409 /f B ) Default language : reg add “HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlNlsLanguage” /v Default /t REG_SZ /d Read more…
Check if a language is available
The following command will fail if the language en-US is not installed on the device : reg query “HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlMUIUILanguagesen-US” Note : To get the list of all installed language, run the following command : reg query “HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlMUIUILanguages”
Set User Active Hours [Windows 10]
With WIndows 10, you can set a range of time of 12 hours maximum to define the user active hours on your device. During that time, windows update is not allowed to force or ask a device update. 1 ) Set the start hour for the current user : reg add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsUpdateUXSettings” /v ActiveHoursEnd /t Read more…
Disable\Enable windows update
Disable windows update In order to disable completely windows update, you can set the windows service Windows update(wuauserv) with the following command. Command text : sc stop “wuauserv” Enable windows update In order to enable back windows update, you can set the windows service Windows update(wuauserv) with the following command. Command text : sc Read more…
Open/Close TCP port in the firewall of your devices
Open TCP port in the firewall of your devices A) create a firewall rule to open port 80 for ingoing connection : netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”My new rule” dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80 B) create a firewall rule to open port 80 for outgoing connection : netsh advfirewall firewall add rule Read more…
Enable/Disable your windows firewall
Disable your windows firewall The following command will completely turn off the firewall on your devices : NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state off Enable your windows firewall The following command will completely turn on the firewall on your devices : NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state on
Interact with the Windows registry
Syntax In order to interact with the windows registry, the “launch command” command needs to be used with the following syntax. a) Read a key REG QUERY [ROOT]RegKey /v ValueName [/s] b) Add a key REG ADD [ROOT]RegKey /v ValueName [/t DataType] [/d Data] Read more…