We are excited to announce the release of proVconnect 2.24. This update includes the following features and enhancements:
· Central windows firewall management
· Continued interface redesign
· Communication optimization
· Instant remote control
Central Windows Firewall Management
Prevent Cyber intrusions by making sure all your windows firewalls are configured properly
Make sure all your end points are secure. Open or close ports, prevent applications from connecting
Duplicate clone firewall rules from one device to multiple devices in seconds
Continued interfaces redesign
Discover the new scenario creation and compliance interfaces
As a continuation of our user interface redesign project, discover the new scenario and compliance rule configuration pages.
Smoother pages, simpler and more complete options for a greater variety of scenarios.
Improved online offline status
More readable icons showing the status of the end point
The green color shows the live online status of the end point
Communication optimization
- Agent server communication optimization
- Only two communication ports are now necessary (one direction from end point to server)
- A better fluidity in the execution of the tasks and an optimization of the server consumptions
Instant remote control
- Speeding up the remote control connection
- Instant connection establishment
- Better fluidity in the remote control